
No Porn for 100 Days! Why?!


If you’ve met Gabrielle and I, I’m sure you know we have an extremely honest relationship.

That’s partly to do with the fact that I really don’t like taboo subjects. While the family & friends game “Taboo” is one of my favorites, withholding information or skirting around issues is not. I think that life is so much easier when we have the most amount of necessary information to make an educated decision. I can confidently navigate through and around truth. Navigating lies is like driving on a two lane highway with no painted lines. You may think that you’re going in the right direction and everyone is on the same page until a semi-truck comes barreling towards you at full speed in the opposite direction. And if you survive the accident you tell the police you have no idea where things went wrong. When there are too many unknowns someone is bound to suffer at the hand of it. We can’t have all the necessary information unless are comfortable being honest. And being honest is extremely difficult if we don’t allow ourselves to be open to the other’s truth instead of shying away from what’s real and living in a fantasy of lies. So taboo is taboo in our household for this reason.

So now to the point of why you’re probably reading this entry. Sex is taboo for some reason. Sex is fantastic!! Isn’t it!? Why is it taboo? Why don’t people like talking about their sexuality? Doesn’t great sex change your mood and make you feel good inside? For a basic human need it is incredible how wonderful it feels to be sexually stimulated and satisfied. Porn is also taboo but also great and convenient and deserves more credit. I’m very thankful for pornography because… do I have to explain? But, yeah man, sex is up there with food for me! You know what? I’m just gonna proclaim this to the world: I could not live without food or sex! This proclamation might sound silly to some of you because, “Duh Ace! NO ONE could live without food or sex.” Correct! Absolutely right! None of us could even fathom human existence without the wonderfully orgasmic presence of food and sex. We need them both. Both make us feel amazing when they are good. So why is sex treated like the evil redheaded step child to Food, her equivalent twin brother? Yes, they are equals and they should be treated and discussed equally. We should all be as educated and comfortable talking about sex and fetishes as we are with our food and dieting habits. So, as you can imagine, G and I talk about sex very openly not just with each other but casually in conversation, because sex is a normal part of life and life is too short to purposefully avoid truthful, fruitful, enlightening conversation. We all have sex. We all like sex. We all have masturbated. Let’s overcome this taboo so we can openly enjoy this basic need together. I can’t tell if I’ve gone on a tangent or not… hmm.

The point of this is to illustrate my decision making process for adding “No Porn” to my 100-Day Challenge and post it on social media for everyone to see. I knew I wanted to set some goals for myself to stick to for 100 days. I didn’t know what was going to be on it. But I knew I wanted to post it as hopefully a means of inspiration to my followers and also posting publicly adds a bit of accountability for staying on top of my goals. As I was writing the list early this morning on the first day of the year, I had to realllllllyyyy visualize my future as though it had already happened. From that vision I could create a strategy for how I could achieve that in 100 days or less. First things that came to mind were exercise. Secondly, diet. Thirdly, mindfulness. And lastly sex. But why did sex make the list at all? I’m in a beautiful long term relationship and we have great sex on a regular basis; why would sex even pop into my head as a thing holding me back. Well it turns out that it’s more specifically the long hours wasted watching porn. Actually to be even more specific the act of SEARCHING for porn is my vice. I’m so damn picky! As I looked back at my past, I realized that my subconscious was onto something. I wouldn’t say always but there have been several times where I would avoid being productive because when I get overwhelmed, I’d rather flip on some porn real quick and relieve myself of any built up stress. “Real Quick” is the lie that I’d use to convince myself to stay at home because, while the act of masturbating can be quick, the browsing process is not… at least for me. I’m talking an accumulation of months of my life have gone directly to finding the right video I want to watch. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about!

As the thought of my procrastination tendencies flooded my brain, I was nervous to write it down and share publicly. But then I thought “What the fuck am I afraid of?” And I knew if I didn’t write it down, while trying to convince myself to go to the gym, my dream in the next 100 days of working towards my Michael B. Jordan body is highly likely to be derailed entirely if even the thought of opening my laptop on a private browser entered my consciousness. So, while I LOVE sex and am SOOO grateful for having access to it both physically and digitally, limiting myself from instant access will significantly increase my chances of success. I’ve never stayed committed to a goal like this before, so I’ll need all the help I can get. I can’t wait to be the new me on the other side of the next 100 days! See you April 11th, 2019.

I’d love to know what your goals are for taking 2019 by the balls. Please comment here, message me privately, or give me a call if we’re close. Let’s keep each other accountable!

Happy 2019ing! 
